News: Winter Event 2019! - Pokemon Eclipse RPG - Online Pokemon RPG Game

News: Winter Event 2019!

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Winter Event 2019!
February 1

Congrats to Megan on becoming a full Cbox Moderator!

January 30: Birthday Event!

Happy birthday to Cless, Robin, and Damara!
For the next few days, there is a special map available: Soccor's Oasis!

Also, enjoy an EXP boost for the next 24 hours!
Have fun!

January 30

Ruby SeelLight Seel
RubySeel & LightSeel are the special Pokemon on Moon Gaze Mountain for 2 weeks!
Thanks to Luggage for putting them in-game!

January 28

The latest edition of the Eclipse Newspaper is now available! Click here to check it out!

January 25: God's Dream Update!

There are a bunch of new Pokemon appearing at God's Dream!
Try to catch 'em all!

God's Dream is an exclusive map.
You must purchase it in the Moon Shop.

January 20: Snowflake Bags!

There's a new addition to the Snowflake Shop!
Snowflake Bags are mysterious items that contain a variety of rewards.
They can be purchased with 1 Diamond Snowflake.

Thanks to Kora, DoctorJellystonesGay, Sigi, LF Woopers, and Mystera for art & content!

January 14: Winter Event!

It's time for the 2019 Winter Event!!!
You can access it on the Winter Event page!

Find Presents!

Mystery Presents have appeared from the Shadow Realm.
They can be found at various locations around Eclipse!
There are four tiers of Presents: Easy, Medium, Hard, and Elite.
To open these mysterious and festive boxes, you will have to complete assorted tasks!


Also, a small throwback to the 2015 Christmas Event...
You can find Diamond and Pearl Snowflakes!
These can be spent at the Snowflake Shop.

Et cetera...

There will be further updates to the event and Snowflake Shop in the next few days!

Sorry the event took so long.
Kora and I have been quite under-the-weather lately.
This shouldn't happen again. If it does, blame Ben.

Jan 1: Exclusive Donator Avatars!

Hyper Primal Palkia
The Exclusive Avatar for January 2019 is HyperPrimalPalkia!

All donators who donate $25 or more in January will earn this avatar for free!
The avatar is permanently and automatically added to your Avatar Collection.
It is available for a month only, then it will be unobtainable!

Hyper Storm Articuno
Also, if you donate $50 or more during January, you'll get a HyperStormArticuno avatar!
Thanks to Kora for making it!

If you're interested in donating, see the Donations Guide for more details!
And feel free to PM me, Cless if you have any questions at all!
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Posted By: Cless
Date Posted: January 14, 2019